Architectural Acts of Care, London

Barbican, London


In collaboration with the Finnish Institute in the UK and Ireland, the Finnish Cultural Institute in New York and Consulate General of Finland in New York

As part of London Festival of Architecture 2024, Vapaa Collective hosted architectural performances and a symposium in London inviting visitors to reflect on the architectural processes of care.

The performances explored the concept of care within the built environment. Vapaa Collective members enacted everyday acts of care in a public space known for its modernist architecture, chosen for its familiarity with art and performances. By performing in a busy area, the collective aimed to spark reflection and discussion among viewers and passersby about the architectural processes that sustain our built environment.

The performances involved creating a temporary space. The collective brushed a circular shape on the ground using water. The effects of sunlight and wind caused the water to evaporate, continuously erasing the traces of care. This interplay between the vanishing water and the circular shape symbolized the repetitive and ongoing nature of caregiving processes.

Vapaa Collective suggests that as we become more aware of Earth's resource limitations, the focus of architecture and design will shift. We'll move away from creating finalized, disposable objects and instead embrace a more dynamic approach, where architecture and design become acts of nurturing and maintaining existing environments.

While the performance itself is temporary, the experience leaves a subtle mark. After the water evaporates, the cleaned area on the pavement remains faintly visible, slowly fading over time. This serves as a reminder of the project's message and the ongoing need for care in our built environment.

The work carried out by Vapaa Collective at the London Festival of Architecture consists of a context research in collaboration with Garry Hunter and Suzanne Harb of Fitzrovia Noir, architectural performances spanning over the week, and a symposium held at Somerset House. The Collective’s work in London will form a part of the recordings of Architectural Acts of Care, a three part project series spanning over the year of 2024 in Helsinki, London and New York.

Visual identity by Emmi Salonen, Studio Emmi.

This project is commissioned by the Finnish Institute in the UK and Ireland in partnership with the Finnish Cultural Institute in New York and Consulate General of Finland in New York. The project is part of the pARTir initiative funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.


Helsinki Acts of Care / performance


New York Acts of Care / performance and exhibition